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stream.lisp 102 KiB
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;;; Called from lisp-stream routines that encapsulate CLOS streams to
;;; handle the misc routines and dispatch to the appropriate Gray
;;; stream functions.
(defun stream-misc-dispatch (stream operation &optional arg1 arg2)
  (declare (type fundamental-stream stream)
	   (ignore arg2))
  (case operation
     ;; Return true if input available, :eof for end-of-file, otherwise Nil.
     (let ((char (stream-read-char-no-hang stream)))
       (when (characterp char)
	 (stream-unread-char stream char))
     (stream-unread-char stream arg1))
     (close stream))
     (stream-clear-input stream))
     (stream-force-output stream))
     (stream-finish-output stream))
     (stream-element-type stream))
     (interactive-stream-p stream))
     (stream-line-length stream))
     (stream-line-column stream))
     (file-length stream))
     (file-position stream arg1))))

ram's avatar
ram committed
;;;; Broadcast streams:

dtc's avatar
dtc committed
(defstruct (broadcast-stream (:include lisp-stream
ram's avatar
ram committed
				       (out #'broadcast-out)
				       (bout #'broadcast-bout)
				       (sout #'broadcast-sout)
				       (misc #'broadcast-misc))
			     (:print-function %print-broadcast-stream)
			     (:constructor %make-broadcast-stream (&rest streams)))
ram's avatar
ram committed
  ;; This is a list of all the streams we broadcast to.
  (streams () :type list :read-only t))
ram's avatar
ram committed

(defun make-broadcast-stream (&rest streams)
  "Returns an output stream which sends its output to all of the given
  (dolist (s streams)
    (unless (output-stream-p s)
      (ill-out-any s)))
  (apply #'%make-broadcast-stream streams))
ram's avatar
ram committed

(defun %print-broadcast-stream (s stream d)
  (declare (ignore s d))
  (write-string "#<Broadcast Stream>" stream))

(macrolet ((out-fun (fun method stream-method &rest args)
ram's avatar
ram committed
	     `(defun ,fun (stream ,@args)
		(dolist (stream (broadcast-stream-streams stream))
		  (stream-dispatch stream
		    ;; simple-stream
		    (,stream-method stream ,@args) ; use gray-compat for now
		    ;; lisp-stream
		    (funcall (,method stream) stream ,@args)
		    ;; fundamental-stream
		    (,stream-method stream ,@args))))))
  (out-fun broadcast-out lisp-stream-out stream-write-char char)
  (out-fun broadcast-bout lisp-stream-bout stream-write-byte byte)
  (out-fun broadcast-sout lisp-stream-sout stream-write-string
	   string start end))
ram's avatar
ram committed

(defun broadcast-misc (stream operation &optional arg1 arg2)
  (let ((streams (broadcast-stream-streams stream)))
    (case operation
emarsden's avatar
emarsden committed
       (dolist (stream streams 0)
	 (let ((charpos (charpos stream)))
ram's avatar
ram committed
	   (if charpos (return charpos)))))
       (let ((min nil))
	 (dolist (stream streams min)
	   (let ((res (line-length stream)))
ram's avatar
ram committed
	     (when res (setq min (if min (min res min) res)))))))
emarsden's avatar
emarsden committed
      ;; CLHS: The functions file-length, file-position, file-string-length, and
      ;; stream-external-format return the value from the last component
      ;; stream; if there are no component streams, file-length and
      ;; file-position return 0, file-string-length returns 1, and
      ;; stream-external-format returns :default.
       (if (null streams) 0
emarsden's avatar
emarsden committed
           (file-length (first (last streams)))))
emarsden's avatar
emarsden committed
       (if (null streams) 0
emarsden's avatar
emarsden committed
           (file-position (first (last streams)))))
ram's avatar
ram committed
emarsden's avatar
emarsden committed
       #+nil ; old, arguably more logical, version
ram's avatar
ram committed
       (let (res)
emarsden's avatar
emarsden committed
	 (dolist (stream streams (if (> (length res) 1) `(and ,@res) t))
emarsden's avatar
emarsden committed
	   (pushnew (stream-element-type stream) res :test #'equal)))
       ;; ANSI-specified version (under System Class BROADCAST-STREAM)
       (let ((res t))
	 (do ((streams streams (cdr streams)))
	     ((null streams) res)
	   (when (null (cdr streams))
	     (setq res (stream-element-type (car streams)))))))
ram's avatar
ram committed
       (let ((res nil))
	 (dolist (stream streams res)
	   (setq res
		 (if (lisp-stream-p stream)
		     (funcall (lisp-stream-misc stream) stream operation
			      arg1 arg2)
		     (stream-misc-dispatch stream operation arg1 arg2)))))))))

ram's avatar
ram committed
;;;; Synonym Streams:

dtc's avatar
dtc committed
(defstruct (synonym-stream (:include lisp-stream
ram's avatar
ram committed
				     (in #'synonym-in)
				     (bin #'synonym-bin)
				     (n-bin #'synonym-n-bin)
				     (out #'synonym-out)
				     (bout #'synonym-bout)
				     (sout #'synonym-sout)
				     (misc #'synonym-misc))
			   (:print-function %print-synonym-stream)
			   (:constructor make-synonym-stream (symbol)))
  ;; This is the symbol, the value of which is the stream we are synonym to.
  (symbol nil :type symbol :read-only t))
ram's avatar
ram committed

(defun %print-synonym-stream (s stream d)
  (declare (ignore d))
  (format stream "#<Synonym Stream to ~S>" (synonym-stream-symbol s)))

(setf (documentation 'make-synonym-stream 'function)
  _N"Returns a stream which performs its operations on the stream which is the
ram's avatar
ram committed
   value of the dynamic variable named by Symbol.")

;;; The output simple output methods just call the corresponding method
;;; in the synonymed stream.
(macrolet ((out-fun (name slot stream-method &rest args)
ram's avatar
ram committed
	     `(defun ,name (stream ,@args)
ram's avatar
ram committed
		(let ((syn (symbol-value (synonym-stream-symbol stream))))
		  (if (lisp-stream-p syn)
		      (funcall (,slot syn) syn ,@args)
		      (,stream-method syn ,@args))))))
  (out-fun synonym-out lisp-stream-out stream-write-char ch)
  (out-fun synonym-bout lisp-stream-bout stream-write-byte n)
  (out-fun synonym-sout lisp-stream-sout stream-write-string string start end))
ram's avatar
ram committed

;;; Bind synonym stream to this so that SPIO can turn on the right frob in
;;; the icon when we are in a terminal input wait.
(defvar *previous-stream* nil)

;;; For the input methods, we just call the corresponding function on the
;;; synonymed stream.  These functions deal with getting input out of
;;; the In-Buffer if there is any.
(macrolet ((in-fun (name fun &rest args)
	     `(defun ,name (stream ,@args)
ram's avatar
ram committed
		(let ((*previous-stream* stream))
		  (,fun (symbol-value (synonym-stream-symbol stream)) ,@args)))))
  (in-fun synonym-in read-char eof-errorp eof-value)
  (in-fun synonym-bin read-byte eof-errorp eof-value)
  (in-fun synonym-n-bin read-n-bytes buffer start numbytes eof-errorp))

;;; Synonym-Misc  --  Internal
;;;    We have to special-case the operations which could look at stuff in
;;; the in-buffer.
(defun synonym-misc (stream operation &optional arg1 arg2)
ram's avatar
ram committed
  (let ((syn (symbol-value (synonym-stream-symbol stream)))
	(*previous-stream* stream))
    (if (lisp-stream-p syn)
	(case operation
	  (:listen (or (/= (the fixnum (lisp-stream-in-index syn))
		       (funcall (lisp-stream-misc syn) syn :listen)))
	  (:clear-input (clear-input syn))
	  (:unread (unread-char arg1 syn))
	   (funcall (lisp-stream-misc syn) syn operation arg1 arg2)))
	(stream-misc-dispatch syn operation arg1 arg2))))
ram's avatar
ram committed
;;;; Two-Way streams:

(defstruct (two-way-stream
dtc's avatar
dtc committed
	    (:include lisp-stream
ram's avatar
ram committed
		      (in #'two-way-in)
		      (bin #'two-way-bin)
		      (n-bin #'two-way-n-bin)
		      (out #'two-way-out)
		      (bout #'two-way-bout)
		      (sout #'two-way-sout)
		      (misc #'two-way-misc))
	    (:print-function %print-two-way-stream)
	    (:constructor %make-two-way-stream (input-stream output-stream)))
ram's avatar
ram committed
  ;; We read from this stream...
  (input-stream (required-argument) :type stream :read-only t)
ram's avatar
ram committed
  ;; And write to this one
  (output-stream (required-argument) :type stream :read-only t))
ram's avatar
ram committed

(defun %print-two-way-stream (s stream d)
  (declare (ignore d))
  (format stream "#<Two-Way Stream, Input = ~S, Output = ~S>"
	  (two-way-stream-input-stream s)
	  (two-way-stream-output-stream s)))

(defun make-two-way-stream (input-stream output-stream)
  "Returns a bidirectional stream which gets its input from Input-Stream and
   sends its output to Output-Stream."
  (unless (input-stream-p input-stream)
    (ill-in-any input-stream))
  (unless (output-stream-p output-stream)
    (ill-out-any output-stream))
  (%make-two-way-stream input-stream output-stream))
ram's avatar
ram committed

(macrolet ((out-fun (name slot stream-method &rest args)
ram's avatar
ram committed
	     `(defun ,name (stream ,@args)
		(let ((syn (two-way-stream-output-stream stream)))
		  (if (lisp-stream-p syn)
		      (funcall (,slot syn) syn ,@args)
		      (,stream-method syn ,@args))))))
  (out-fun two-way-out lisp-stream-out stream-write-char ch)
  (out-fun two-way-bout lisp-stream-bout stream-write-byte n)
  (out-fun two-way-sout lisp-stream-sout stream-write-string string start end))
ram's avatar
ram committed

(macrolet ((in-fun (name fun &rest args)
	     `(defun ,name (stream ,@args)
		(force-output (two-way-stream-output-stream stream))
ram's avatar
ram committed
		(,fun (two-way-stream-input-stream stream) ,@args))))
  (in-fun two-way-in read-char eof-errorp eof-value)
  (in-fun two-way-bin read-byte eof-errorp eof-value)
  (in-fun two-way-n-bin read-n-bytes buffer start numbytes eof-errorp))

(defun two-way-misc (stream operation &optional arg1 arg2)
  (let* ((in (two-way-stream-input-stream stream))
	 (out (two-way-stream-output-stream stream))
	 (in-lisp-stream-p (lisp-stream-p in))
	 (out-lisp-stream-p (lisp-stream-p out)))
ram's avatar
ram committed
    (case operation
       (if in-lisp-stream-p
	   (or (/= (the fixnum (lisp-stream-in-index in)) in-buffer-length)
	       (funcall (lisp-stream-misc in) in :listen))
	   (stream-listen in)))
ram's avatar
ram committed
      ((:finish-output :force-output :clear-output)
       (if out-lisp-stream-p
	   (funcall (lisp-stream-misc out) out operation arg1 arg2)
	   (stream-misc-dispatch out operation arg1 arg2)))
      (:clear-input (clear-input in))
      (:unread (unread-char arg1 in))
ram's avatar
ram committed
       (let ((in-type (stream-element-type in))
	     (out-type (stream-element-type out)))
ram's avatar
ram committed
	 (if (equal in-type out-type)
	     in-type `(and ,in-type ,out-type))))
ram's avatar
ram committed
       (set-closed-flame stream))
       (error 'type-error :datum stream :expected-type 'file-stream))
rtoy's avatar
rtoy committed
       (charpos out))
       (line-length out))
ram's avatar
ram committed
       (or (if in-lisp-stream-p
	       (funcall (lisp-stream-misc in) in operation arg1 arg2)
	       (stream-misc-dispatch in operation arg1 arg2))
	   (if out-lisp-stream-p
	       (funcall (lisp-stream-misc out) out operation arg1 arg2)
	       (stream-misc-dispatch out operation arg1 arg2)))))))

ram's avatar
ram committed
;;;; Concatenated Streams:

(defstruct (concatenated-stream
dtc's avatar
dtc committed
	    (:include lisp-stream
ram's avatar
ram committed
		      (in #'concatenated-in)
		      (bin #'concatenated-bin)
pw's avatar
pw committed
		      (n-bin #'concatenated-n-bin)
ram's avatar
ram committed
		      (misc #'concatenated-misc))
	    (:print-function %print-concatenated-stream)
	    (:constructor %make-concatenated-stream (&rest streams)))
  ;; This is a list of all the streams. The car of this is the stream
  ;; we are reading from now.
  (streams nil :type list))
ram's avatar
ram committed

(defun %print-concatenated-stream (s stream d)
  (declare (ignore d))
  (format stream "#<Concatenated Stream, Streams = ~S>"
	  (concatenated-stream-streams s)))

(defun make-concatenated-stream (&rest streams)
  "Returns a stream which takes its input from each of the Streams in turn,
   going on to the next at EOF."
  (dolist (s streams)
    (unless (input-stream-p s)
      (ill-in-any s)))
  (apply #'%make-concatenated-stream streams))
ram's avatar
ram committed

(macrolet ((in-fun (name fun)
	     `(defun ,name (stream eof-errorp eof-value)
		(do ((current (concatenated-stream-streams stream)
			      (cdr current)))
ram's avatar
ram committed
		    ((null current)
		     (eof-or-lose stream eof-errorp eof-value))
		  (let* ((stream (car current))
			 (result (,fun stream nil nil)))
		    (when result (return result)))
		  (setf (concatenated-stream-streams stream) (cdr current))))))
ram's avatar
ram committed
  (in-fun concatenated-in read-char)
  (in-fun concatenated-bin read-byte))

pw's avatar
pw committed
(defun concatenated-n-bin (stream buffer start numbytes eof-errorp)
  (do ((current (concatenated-stream-streams stream) (cdr current))
       (current-start start)
       (remaining-bytes numbytes))
      ((null current)
       (if eof-errorp
	(error 'end-of-file :stream stream)
	(- numbytes remaining-bytes)))
    (let* ((stream (car current))
           (bytes-read (read-n-bytes stream buffer current-start
	                             remaining-bytes nil)))
      (incf current-start bytes-read)
      (decf remaining-bytes bytes-read)
      (when (zerop remaining-bytes) (return numbytes)))
    (setf (concatenated-stream-streams stream) (cdr current))))

ram's avatar
ram committed
(defun concatenated-misc (stream operation &optional arg1 arg2)
  (let ((current (first (concatenated-stream-streams stream))))
    (case operation
       (if current
            (let ((stuff (if (lisp-stream-p current)
                             (funcall (lisp-stream-misc current) current
                             (stream-misc-dispatch current :listen))))
              (cond ((eq stuff :eof)
                     ;; Advance current, and try again.
                     (pop (concatenated-stream-streams stream))
                     (setf current (first (concatenated-stream-streams stream)))
                     (unless current (return :eof)))
                     ;; Stuff's available.
                     (return t))
                     ;; Nothing available yet.
                     (return nil)))))
       (set-closed-flame stream))
       (when current (clear-input current)))
       (when current (unread-char arg1 current)))
       (error 'type-error :datum stream :expected-type 'file-stream))
       (if (lisp-stream-p current)
           (funcall (lisp-stream-misc current) current operation arg1 arg2)
           (stream-misc-dispatch current operation arg1 arg2))))))
ram's avatar
ram committed
;;;; Echo Streams:

(defstruct (echo-stream
	    (:include two-way-stream
		      (in #'echo-in)
		      (bin #'echo-bin)
		      (misc #'echo-misc)
ram's avatar
ram committed
	    (:print-function %print-echo-stream)
	    (:constructor %make-echo-stream (input-stream output-stream)))
ram's avatar
ram committed

(defun make-echo-stream (input-stream output-stream)
  "Returns an echo stream that takes input from Input-stream and sends
output to Output-stream"
  (unless (input-stream-p input-stream)
    (ill-in-any input-stream))
  (unless (output-stream-p output-stream)
    (ill-out-any output-stream))
  (%make-echo-stream input-stream output-stream))
ram's avatar
ram committed

(macrolet ((in-fun (name fun out-slot stream-method)
	     `(defun ,name (stream eof-errorp eof-value)
		(or (pop (echo-stream-unread-stuff stream))
		    (let* ((in (echo-stream-input-stream stream))
			   (out (echo-stream-output-stream stream))
			   (result (,fun in nil :eof)))
		      (cond ((eq result :eof)
			     (eof-or-lose stream eof-errorp eof-value))
			     (if (lisp-stream-p out)
				 (funcall (,out-slot out) out result)
				 (,stream-method out result))
  (in-fun echo-in read-char lisp-stream-out stream-write-char)
  (in-fun echo-bin read-byte lisp-stream-bout stream-write-byte))
ram's avatar
ram committed

ram's avatar
ram committed
(defun echo-misc (stream operation &optional arg1 arg2)
  (let* ((in (two-way-stream-input-stream stream))
	 (out (two-way-stream-output-stream stream)))
ram's avatar
ram committed
    (case operation
       (or (not (null (echo-stream-unread-stuff stream)))
	   (if (lisp-stream-p in)
	       (or (/= (the fixnum (lisp-stream-in-index in)) in-buffer-length)
		   (funcall (lisp-stream-misc in) in :listen))
	       (stream-misc-dispatch in :listen))))
      (:unread (push arg1 (echo-stream-unread-stuff stream)))
ram's avatar
ram committed
       (let ((in-type (stream-element-type in))
	     (out-type (stream-element-type out)))
ram's avatar
ram committed
	 (if (equal in-type out-type)
	     in-type `(and ,in-type ,out-type))))
       (set-closed-flame stream))
       ;; For the special case of peeking into an echo-stream
       ;; arg1 is peek-type, arg2 is (eof-errorp eof-value)
       ;; returns peeked-char, eof-value, or errors end-of-file
       (let ((unread-char-p nil))
	 (destructuring-bind (eof-errorp eof-value)
	   (flet ((outfn (c)
		    (unless unread-char-p
		      (if (lisp-stream-p out)
			  (funcall (lisp-stream-out out) out c)
			  ;; gray-stream
			  (stream-write-char out c))))
		  (infn ()
		    ;; Obtain input from unread buffer or input stream,
		    ;; and set the flag appropriately.
		    (cond ((not (null (echo-stream-unread-stuff stream)))
			   (setf unread-char-p t)
			   (pop (echo-stream-unread-stuff stream)))
			   (setf unread-char-p nil)
			   (read-char in eof-errorp :eof)))))
	      arg1 eof-value char
	      (unread-char char in)
	      :skipped-char-form (outfn char))))))
       (error 'type-error :datum stream :expected-type 'file-stream))
ram's avatar
ram committed
       (or (if (lisp-stream-p in)
	       (funcall (lisp-stream-misc in) in operation arg1 arg2)
	       (stream-misc-dispatch in operation arg1 arg2))
	   (if (lisp-stream-p out)
	       (funcall (lisp-stream-misc out) out operation arg1 arg2)
	       (stream-misc-dispatch out operation arg1 arg2)))))))
ram's avatar
ram committed

(defun echo-n-bin (stream buffer start numbytes eof-error-p)
  (let ((new-start start)
	(read 0))
     (let ((thing (pop (echo-stream-unread-stuff stream))))
	  (setf (aref buffer new-start) thing)
	  (incf new-start)
	  (incf read)
	  (when (= read numbytes)
	    (return-from echo-n-bin numbytes)))
	 (t (return nil)))))
    (let ((bytes-read (read-n-bytes (echo-stream-input-stream stream) buffer
				    new-start (- numbytes read) nil)))
	((not eof-error-p)
	 (write-sequence buffer (echo-stream-output-stream stream)
			 :start new-start :end (+ new-start bytes-read))
	 (+ bytes-read read))
	((> numbytes (+ read bytes-read))
	 (write-sequence buffer (echo-stream-output-stream stream)
			 :start new-start :end (+ new-start bytes-read))
	 (error 'end-of-file :stream stream))
	 (write-sequence buffer (echo-stream-output-stream stream)
			 :start new-start :end (+ new-start bytes-read))

ram's avatar
ram committed
(defun %print-echo-stream (s stream d)
  (declare (ignore d))
  (format stream "#<Echo Stream, Input = ~S, Output = ~S>"
	  (two-way-stream-input-stream s)
	  (two-way-stream-output-stream s)))

(setf (documentation 'make-echo-stream 'function)
  _N"Returns a bidirectional stream which gets its input from Input-Stream and
ram's avatar
ram committed
   sends its output to Output-Stream.  In addition, all input is echoed to
   the output stream")
moore's avatar
moore committed
;;;; Superclass of all string streams

(defstruct (string-stream
	     (:include lisp-stream)
	     (:constructor nil)
	     (:copier nil)))

ram's avatar
ram committed
;;;; String Input Streams:

(defstruct (string-input-stream
moore's avatar
moore committed
	     (:include string-stream
		       (in #'string-inch)
		       (bin #'string-binch)
		       (n-bin #'string-stream-read-n-bytes)
		       (misc #'string-in-misc))
	     (:print-function %print-string-input-stream)
					;(:constructor nil)
	     (:constructor internal-make-string-input-stream
			   (string current end)))
ram's avatar
ram committed
  (string nil :type simple-string)
  (current nil :type index)
  (end nil :type index))
ram's avatar
ram committed

(defun %print-string-input-stream (s stream d)
  (declare (ignore s d))
  (write-string "#<String-Input Stream>" stream))
(defun string-inch (stream eof-errorp eof-value)
  (let ((string (string-input-stream-string stream))
	(index (string-input-stream-current stream)))
    (declare (simple-string string) (fixnum index))
    (cond ((= index (the index (string-input-stream-end stream)))
ram's avatar
ram committed
	   (eof-or-lose stream eof-errorp eof-value))
	   (setf (string-input-stream-current stream) (1+ index))
	   (aref string index)))))

(defun string-binch (stream eof-errorp eof-value)
  (let ((string (string-input-stream-string stream))
	(index (string-input-stream-current stream)))
    (declare (simple-string string)
	     (type index index))
    (cond ((= index (the index (string-input-stream-end stream)))
	   (eof-or-lose stream eof-errorp eof-value))
	   (setf (string-input-stream-current stream) (1+ index))
	   (char-code (aref string index))))))

(defun string-stream-read-n-bytes (stream buffer start requested eof-errorp)
  (declare (type string-input-stream stream)
	   (type index start requested))
  (let* ((string (string-input-stream-string stream))
	 (index (string-input-stream-current stream))
	 (available (- (string-input-stream-end stream) index))
	 (copy (min available requested)))
    (declare (simple-string string)
	     (type index index available copy))
    (when (plusp copy)
      (setf (string-input-stream-current stream)
	    (truly-the index (+ index copy)))
       (system-area-copy (vector-sap string)
			 (* index vm:byte-bits)
			 (if (typep buffer 'system-area-pointer)
			     (vector-sap buffer))
			 (* start vm:byte-bits)
			 (* copy vm:byte-bits))))
    (if (and (> requested copy) eof-errorp)
	(error 'end-of-file :stream stream)
ram's avatar
ram committed
(defun string-in-misc (stream operation &optional arg1 arg2)
  (declare (ignore arg2))
ram's avatar
ram committed
  (case operation
	 (setf (string-input-stream-current stream)
	       (case arg1
		 (:start 0)
		 (:end (length (string-input-stream-string stream)))
		 (t arg1)))
	 (string-input-stream-current stream)))
emarsden's avatar
emarsden committed
     (error 'type-error :datum stream :expected-type 'file-stream))
ram's avatar
ram committed
    (:unread (decf (string-input-stream-current stream)))
    (:listen (or (/= (the fixnum (string-input-stream-current stream))
		     (the fixnum (string-input-stream-end stream)))
    (:element-type 'base-char)
     (set-closed-flame stream))))
ram's avatar
ram committed
(defun make-string-input-stream (string &optional
					(start 0) (end (length string)))
  "Returns an input stream which will supply the characters of String between
ram's avatar
ram committed
  Start and End in order."
  (declare (type string string)
	   (type index start)
	   (type (or index null) end))
  (internal-make-string-input-stream (coerce string 'simple-string)
rtoy's avatar
rtoy committed
				     start (or end (length string))))
ram's avatar
ram committed
;;;; String Output Streams:

(defstruct (string-output-stream
moore's avatar
moore committed
	    (:include string-stream
ram's avatar
ram committed
		      (out #'string-ouch)
		      (sout #'string-sout)
		      (misc #'string-out-misc))
	    (:print-function %print-string-output-stream)
	    (:constructor %make-string-output-stream ()))
ram's avatar
ram committed
  ;; The string we throw stuff in.
  (string (make-string 40) :type simple-string)
  ;; Index of the next location to use.
  (index 0 :type fixnum))

(defun %print-string-output-stream (s stream d)
  (declare (ignore s d))
  (write-string "#<String-Output Stream>" stream))

(defun make-string-output-stream (&key (element-type 'character))
  "Returns an Output stream which will accumulate all output given to it for
   the benefit of the function Get-Output-Stream-String."
  (declare (ignore element-type))
ram's avatar
ram committed

(defun string-ouch (stream character)
  (let ((current (string-output-stream-index stream))
	(workspace (string-output-stream-string stream)))
    (declare (simple-string workspace) (fixnum current))
    (if (= current (the fixnum (length workspace)))
	(let ((new-workspace (make-string (* current 2))))
	  (replace new-workspace workspace)
ram's avatar
ram committed
	  (setf (aref new-workspace current) character)
	  (setf (string-output-stream-string stream) new-workspace))
	(setf (aref workspace current) character))
    (setf (string-output-stream-index stream) (1+ current))))

(defun string-sout (stream string start end)
  (declare (simple-string string) (fixnum start end))
  (let* ((current (string-output-stream-index stream))
	 (length (- end start))
	 (dst-end (+ length current))
	 (workspace (string-output-stream-string stream)))
    (declare (simple-string workspace)
	     (fixnum current length dst-end))
    (if (> dst-end (the fixnum (length workspace)))
	(let ((new-workspace (make-string (+ (* current 2) length))))
	  (replace new-workspace workspace :end2 current)
	  (replace new-workspace string
		   :start1 current :end1 dst-end
		   :start2 start :end2 end)
ram's avatar
ram committed
	  (setf (string-output-stream-string stream) new-workspace))
	(replace workspace string
		 :start1 current :end1 dst-end
		 :start2 start :end2 end))
ram's avatar
ram committed
    (setf (string-output-stream-index stream) dst-end)))

(defun string-out-misc (stream operation &optional arg1 arg2)
ram's avatar
ram committed
  (declare (ignore arg2))
ram's avatar
ram committed
  (case operation
ram's avatar
ram committed
	 (string-output-stream-index stream)))
     (error 'type-error :datum stream :expected-type 'file-stream))
ram's avatar
ram committed
     (do ((index (1- (the fixnum (string-output-stream-index stream)))
		 (1- index))
	  (count 0 (1+ count))
	  (string (string-output-stream-string stream)))
	 ((< index 0) count)
       (declare (simple-string string)
		(fixnum index count))
       (if (char= (schar string index) #\newline)
	   (return count))))
rtoy's avatar
rtoy committed
    (:element-type 'base-char)
     (set-closed-flame stream))))
ram's avatar
ram committed

(defun get-output-stream-string (stream)
  "Returns a string of all the characters sent to a stream made by
ram's avatar
ram committed
   Make-String-Output-Stream since the last call to this function."
  (declare (type string-output-stream stream))
  (let* ((length (string-output-stream-index stream))
	 (result (make-string length)))
    (replace result (string-output-stream-string stream))
    (setf (string-output-stream-index stream) 0)
ram's avatar
ram committed

(defun dump-output-stream-string (in-stream out-stream)
  "Dumps the characters buffer up in the In-Stream to the Out-Stream as
ram's avatar
ram committed
  Get-Output-Stream-String would return them."
dtc's avatar
dtc committed
  (write-string* (string-output-stream-string in-stream) out-stream
		 0 (string-output-stream-index in-stream))
ram's avatar
ram committed
  (setf (string-output-stream-index in-stream) 0))
;;;; Fill-pointer streams:
;;;    Fill pointer string output streams are not explicitly mentioned in
;;; the CLM, but they are required for the implementation of With-Output-To-String.

(defstruct (fill-pointer-output-stream
moore's avatar
moore committed
 	    (:include string-stream
ram's avatar
ram committed
		      (out #'fill-pointer-ouch)
		      (sout #'fill-pointer-sout)
		      (misc #'fill-pointer-misc))
	     (lambda (s stream d)
	       (declare (ignore s d))
	       (write-string "#<Fill-Pointer String Output Stream>" stream)))
	    (:constructor make-fill-pointer-output-stream (string)))
  ;; The string we throw stuff in.

(defun fill-pointer-ouch (stream character)
  (let* ((buffer (fill-pointer-output-stream-string stream))
	 (current (fill-pointer buffer))
ram's avatar
ram committed
	 (current+1 (1+ current)))
    (declare (fixnum current))
    (with-array-data ((workspace buffer) (start) (end))
      (declare (simple-string workspace))
      (let ((offset-current (+ start current)))
	(declare (fixnum offset-current))
	(if (= offset-current end)
	    (let* ((new-length (if (zerop current) 1 (* current 2)))
ram's avatar
ram committed
		   (new-workspace (make-string new-length)))
	      (declare (simple-string new-workspace))
	      (%primitive byte-blt workspace (* vm:char-bytes start)
			  new-workspace 0 (* vm:char-bytes current))
ram's avatar
ram committed
	      (setf workspace new-workspace)
	      (setf offset-current current)
	      (set-array-header buffer workspace new-length
				current+1 0 new-length nil))
	    (setf (fill-pointer buffer) current+1))
ram's avatar
ram committed
	(setf (schar workspace offset-current) character)))

(defun fill-pointer-sout (stream string start end)
  (declare (simple-string string) (fixnum start end))
  (let* ((buffer (fill-pointer-output-stream-string stream))
	 (current (fill-pointer buffer))
ram's avatar
ram committed
	 (string-len (- end start))
	 (dst-end (+ string-len current)))
    (declare (fixnum current dst-end string-len))
    (with-array-data ((workspace buffer) (dst-start) (dst-length))
      (declare (simple-string workspace))
      (let ((offset-dst-end (+ dst-start dst-end))
	    (offset-current (+ dst-start current)))
	(declare (fixnum offset-dst-end offset-current))
	(if (> offset-dst-end dst-length)
	    (let* ((new-length (+ (the fixnum (* current 2)) string-len))
		   (new-workspace (make-string new-length)))
	      (declare (simple-string new-workspace))
	      (%primitive byte-blt workspace (* vm:char-bytes dst-start)
			  new-workspace 0 (* vm:char-bytes current))
ram's avatar
ram committed
	      (setf workspace new-workspace)
	      (setf offset-current current)
	      (setf offset-dst-end dst-end)
	      (set-array-header buffer workspace new-length
				dst-end 0 new-length nil))
	    (setf (fill-pointer buffer) dst-end))
	(%primitive byte-blt string (* vm:char-bytes start)
		    workspace (* vm:char-bytes offset-current)
		    (* vm:char-bytes offset-dst-end))))
ram's avatar
ram committed

(defun fill-pointer-misc (stream operation &optional arg1 arg2)
  (declare (ignore arg1 arg2))
  (case operation
     (let* ((buffer (fill-pointer-output-stream-string stream))
	    (current (fill-pointer buffer)))
ram's avatar
ram committed
       (with-array-data ((string buffer) (start) (end current))
	 (declare (simple-string string) (ignore start))
	 (let ((found (position #\newline string :test #'char=
				:end end :from-end t)))
	   (if found
	       (- end (the fixnum found))
     (:element-type 'base-char)))
ram's avatar
ram committed
;;;; Indenting streams:

dtc's avatar
dtc committed
(defstruct (indenting-stream (:include lisp-stream
ram's avatar
ram committed
				       (out #'indenting-out)
				       (sout #'indenting-sout)
				       (misc #'indenting-misc))
			     (:print-function %print-indenting-stream)
			     (:constructor make-indenting-stream (stream)))
  ;; The stream we're based on:
  ;; How much we indent on each line:
  (indentation 0))

(setf (documentation 'make-indenting-stream 'function)
 _N"Returns an output stream which indents its output by some amount.")
ram's avatar
ram committed

(defun %print-indenting-stream (s stream d)
  (declare (ignore s d))
  (write-string "#<Indenting Stream>" stream))

;;; Indenting-Indent writes the right number of spaces needed to indent
;;; output on the given Stream based on the specified Sub-Stream.
ram's avatar
ram committed

(defmacro indenting-indent (stream sub-stream)
  `(do ((i 0 (+ i 60))
	(indentation (indenting-stream-indentation ,stream)))
       ((>= i indentation))
dtc's avatar
dtc committed
      "                                                            "
      ,sub-stream 0 (min 60 (- indentation i)))))
ram's avatar
ram committed

;;; Indenting-Out writes a character to an indenting stream.

(defun indenting-out (stream char)
  (let ((sub-stream (indenting-stream-stream stream)))
dtc's avatar
dtc committed
    (write-char char sub-stream)
ram's avatar
ram committed
    (if (char= char #\newline)
	(indenting-indent stream sub-stream))))

;;; Indenting-Sout writes a string to an indenting stream.

(defun indenting-sout (stream string start end)
  (declare (simple-string string) (fixnum start end))
  (do ((i start)
       (sub-stream (indenting-stream-stream stream)))
      ((= i end))
    (let ((newline (position #\newline string :start i :end end)))
      (cond (newline
dtc's avatar
dtc committed
	     (write-string* string sub-stream i (1+ newline))
ram's avatar
ram committed
	     (indenting-indent stream sub-stream)
	     (setq i (+ newline 1)))
dtc's avatar
dtc committed
	     (write-string* string sub-stream i end)
ram's avatar
ram committed
	     (setq i end))))))

;;; Indenting-Misc just treats just the :Line-Length message differently.
;;; Indenting-Charpos says the charpos is the charpos of the base stream minus
;;; the stream's indentation.

(defun indenting-misc (stream operation &optional arg1 arg2)
dtc's avatar
dtc committed
  (let ((sub-stream (indenting-stream-stream stream)))
    (if (lisp-stream-p sub-stream)
	(let ((method (lisp-stream-misc sub-stream)))
	  (case operation
	     (let ((line-length (funcall method sub-stream operation)))
	       (if line-length
		   (- line-length (indenting-stream-indentation stream)))))
	     (let ((charpos (funcall method sub-stream operation)))
	       (if charpos
		   (- charpos (indenting-stream-indentation stream)))))       
	     (funcall method sub-stream operation arg1 arg2))))
	;; Fundamental-stream.
	(case operation
	   (let ((line-length (stream-line-length sub-stream)))
	     (if line-length
		 (- line-length (indenting-stream-indentation stream)))))
	   (let ((charpos (stream-line-column sub-stream)))
	     (if charpos
		 (- charpos (indenting-stream-indentation stream)))))
	   (stream-misc-dispatch sub-stream operation arg1 arg2))))))
dtc's avatar
dtc committed

ram's avatar
ram committed

pw's avatar
pw committed
(declaim (maybe-inline read-char unread-char read-byte listen))

;;;; Case frobbing streams, used by format ~(...~).

(defstruct (case-frob-stream
dtc's avatar
dtc committed
	    (:include lisp-stream
		      (:misc #'case-frob-misc))
	    (:constructor %make-case-frob-stream (target out sout)))
  (target (required-argument) :type stream))

(defun make-case-frob-stream (target kind)
  "Returns a stream that sends all output to the stream TARGET, but modifies
   the case of letters, depending on KIND, which should be one of:
     :upcase - convert to upper case.
     :downcase - convert to lower case.
     :capitalize - convert the first letter of words to upper case and the
        rest of the word to lower case.
     :capitalize-first - convert the first letter of the first word to upper
        case and everything else to lower case."
  (declare (type stream target)
	   (type (member :upcase :downcase :capitalize :capitalize-first)
	   (values stream))
  (if (case-frob-stream-p target)
      ;; If we are going to be writing to a stream that already does case
      ;; frobbing, why bother frobbing the case just so it can frob it
      ;; again?
	  (out sout)
	  (ecase kind
	     (values #'case-frob-upcase-out
	     (values #'case-frob-downcase-out
	     (values #'case-frob-capitalize-out
	     (values #'case-frob-capitalize-first-out
	(%make-case-frob-stream target out sout))))

(defun case-frob-misc (stream op &optional arg1 arg2)
  (declare (type case-frob-stream stream))
  (case op
     (let ((target (case-frob-stream-target stream)))
       (if (lisp-stream-p target)
	   (funcall (lisp-stream-misc target) target op arg1 arg2)
	   (stream-misc-dispatch target op arg1 arg2))))))

(defun case-frob-upcase-out (stream char)
  (declare (type case-frob-stream stream)
ram's avatar
ram committed
	   (type base-char char))
  (let ((target (case-frob-stream-target stream))
	(char (char-upcase char)))
    (if (lisp-stream-p target)
	(funcall (lisp-stream-out target) target char)
	(stream-write-char target char))))

(defun case-frob-upcase-sout (stream str start end)
  (declare (type case-frob-stream stream)
	   (type simple-base-string str)
	   (type index start)
	   (type (or index null) end))
  (let* ((target (case-frob-stream-target stream))
	 (len (length str))
	 (end (or end len))
	 (string (if (and (zerop start) (= len end))
		     (string-upcase str)
		     (nstring-upcase (subseq str start end))))
	 (string-len (- end start)))
    (if (lisp-stream-p target)
	(funcall (lisp-stream-sout target) target string 0 string-len)
	(stream-write-string target string 0 string-len))))

(defun case-frob-downcase-out (stream char)
  (declare (type case-frob-stream stream)
ram's avatar
ram committed
	   (type base-char char))
  (let ((target (case-frob-stream-target stream))
	(char (char-downcase char)))
    (if (lisp-stream-p target)
	(funcall (lisp-stream-out target) target char)
	(stream-write-char target char))))

(defun case-frob-downcase-sout (stream str start end)
  (declare (type case-frob-stream stream)
	   (type simple-base-string str)
	   (type index start)
	   (type (or index null) end))
  (let* ((target (case-frob-stream-target stream))
	 (len (length str))
	 (end (or end len))
	 (string (if (and (zerop start) (= len end))
		     (string-downcase str)
		     (nstring-downcase (subseq str start end))))
	 (string-len (- end start)))
    (if (lisp-stream-p target)
	(funcall (lisp-stream-sout target) target string 0 string-len)
	(stream-write-string target string 0 string-len))))