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;;; -*- Package: C; Log: C.Log -*-
;;; **********************************************************************
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;;; This code was written as part of the CMU Common Lisp project at
;;; Carnegie Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain.
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  "$Header: /Volumes/share2/src/cmucl/cvs2git/cvsroot/src/compiler/srctran.lisp,v 1.47 1997/02/05 15:41:57 pw Exp $")
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;;; **********************************************************************
;;;    This file contains macro-like source transformations which convert
;;; uses of certain functions into the canonical form desired within the
;;; compiler.  ### and other IR1 transforms and stuff.  Some code adapted from
;;; CLC, written by Wholey and Fahlman.
;;; Written by Rob MacLachlan
(in-package "C")
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;;; Source transform for Not, Null  --  Internal
;;;    Convert into an IF so that IF optimizations will eliminate redundant
;;; negations.
(def-source-transform not (x) `(if ,x nil t))
(def-source-transform null (x) `(if ,x nil t))

;;; Source transform for Endp  --  Internal
;;;    Endp is just NULL with a List assertion.
(def-source-transform endp (x) `(null (the list ,x)))

;;; We turn Identity into Prog1 so that it is obvious that it just returns the
;;; first value of its argument.  Ditto for Values with one arg.
(def-source-transform identity (x) `(prog1 ,x))
(def-source-transform values (x) `(prog1 ,x))

;;; CONSTANTLY source transform  --  Internal
;;;    Bind the values and make a closure that returns them.
(def-source-transform constantly (value &rest values)
  (let ((temps (loop repeat (1+ (length values))
		     collect (gensym)))
	(dum (gensym)))
    `(let ,(loop for temp in temps and
	         value in (list* value values)
	         collect `(,temp ,value))
       #'(lambda (&rest ,dum)
	   (declare (ignore ,dum))
	   (values ,@temps)))))

;;; COMPLEMENT IR1 transform  --  Internal
;;;    If the function has a known number of arguments, then return a lambda
;;; with the appropriate fixed number of args.  If the destination is a
;;; FUNCALL, then do the &REST APPLY thing, and let MV optimization figure
;;; things out.
(deftransform complement ((fun) * * :node node :when :both)
  "open code"
  (multiple-value-bind (min max)
		       (function-type-nargs (continuation-type fun))
     ((and min (eql min max))
      (let ((dums (loop repeat min collect (gensym))))
	`#'(lambda ,dums (not (funcall fun ,@dums)))))
     ((let* ((cont (node-cont node))
	     (dest (continuation-dest cont)))
	(and (combination-p dest)
	     (eq (combination-fun dest) cont)))
      '#'(lambda (&rest args)
	   (not (apply fun args))))
      (give-up "Function doesn't have fixed argument count.")))))
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;;;; List hackery:

;;; Translate CxxR into car/cdr combos.

(defun source-transform-cxr (form)
  (if (or (byte-compiling) (/= (length form) 2))
      (values nil t)
      (let ((name (symbol-name (car form))))
	(do ((i (- (length name) 2) (1- i))
	     (res (cadr form)
		  `(,(ecase (char name i)
		       (#\A 'car)
		       (#\D 'cdr))
	    ((zerop i) res)))))

(do ((i 2 (1+ i))
     (b '(1 0) (cons i b)))
    ((= i 5))
  (dotimes (j (ash 1 i))
    (setf (info function source-transform
		(intern (format nil "C~{~:[A~;D~]~}R"
				(mapcar #'(lambda (x) (logbitp x j)) b))))
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;;; Turn First..Fourth and Rest into the obvious synonym, assuming whatever is
;;; right for them is right for us.  Fifth..Tenth turn into Nth, which can be
;;; expanded into a car/cdr later on if policy favors it.
(def-source-transform first (x) `(car ,x))
(def-source-transform rest (x) `(cdr ,x))
(def-source-transform second (x) `(cadr ,x))
(def-source-transform third (x) `(caddr ,x))
(def-source-transform fourth (x) `(cadddr ,x))
(def-source-transform fifth (x) `(nth 4 ,x))
(def-source-transform sixth (x) `(nth 5 ,x))
(def-source-transform seventh (x) `(nth 6 ,x))
(def-source-transform eighth (x) `(nth 7 ,x))
(def-source-transform ninth (x) `(nth 8 ,x))
(def-source-transform tenth (x) `(nth 9 ,x))

;;; Translate RPLACx to LET and SETF.
(def-source-transform rplaca (x y)
  (once-only ((n-x x))
       (setf (car ,n-x) ,y)
(def-source-transform rplacd (x y)
  (once-only ((n-x x))
       (setf (cdr ,n-x) ,y)

(def-source-transform nth (n l) `(car (nthcdr ,n ,l)))
(defvar *default-nthcdr-open-code-limit* 6)
(defvar *extreme-nthcdr-open-code-limit* 20)

(deftransform nthcdr ((n l) (unsigned-byte t) * :node node)
  "convert NTHCDR to CAxxR"
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  (unless (constant-continuation-p n) (give-up))
  (let ((n (continuation-value n)))
    (when (> n
	     (if (policy node (= speed 3) (= space 0))

    (labels ((frob (n)
	       (if (zerop n)
		   `(cdr ,(frob (1- n))))))
      (frob n))))


(def-source-transform plusp (x) `(> ,x 0))
(def-source-transform minusp (x) `(< ,x 0))
(def-source-transform zerop (x) `(= ,x 0))

(def-source-transform 1+ (x) `(+ ,x 1))
(def-source-transform 1- (x) `(- ,x 1))

(def-source-transform oddp (x) `(not (zerop (logand ,x 1))))
(def-source-transform evenp (x) `(zerop (logand ,x 1)))

;;; Note that all the integer division functions are available for inline
;;; expansion.

(macrolet ((frob (fun)
	     `(def-source-transform ,fun (x &optional (y nil y-p))
		(declare (ignore y))
		(if y-p
		    (values nil t)
		    `(,',fun ,x 1)))))
  (frob truncate)
  (frob round))
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(def-source-transform lognand (x y) `(lognot (logand ,x ,y)))
(def-source-transform lognor (x y) `(lognot (logior ,x ,y)))
(def-source-transform logandc1 (x y) `(logand (lognot ,x) ,y))
(def-source-transform logandc2 (x y) `(logand ,x (lognot ,y)))
(def-source-transform logorc1 (x y) `(logior (lognot ,x) ,y))
(def-source-transform logorc2 (x y) `(logior ,x (lognot ,y)))
(def-source-transform logtest (x y) `(not (zerop (logand ,x ,y))))
(def-source-transform logbitp (index integer)
  `(not (zerop (logand (ash 1 ,index) ,integer))))
(def-source-transform byte (size position) `(cons ,size ,position))
(def-source-transform byte-size (spec) `(car ,spec))
(def-source-transform byte-position (spec) `(cdr ,spec))
(def-source-transform ldb-test (bytespec integer)
  `(not (zerop (mask-field ,bytespec ,integer))))
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;;; With the ratio and complex accessors, we pick off the "identity" case, and
;;; use a primitive to handle the cell access case.
(def-source-transform numerator (num)
  (once-only ((n-num `(the rational ,num)))
    `(if (ratiop ,n-num)
(def-source-transform denominator (num)
  (once-only ((n-num `(the rational ,num)))
    `(if (ratiop ,n-num)
(def-source-transform realpart (num)
  (once-only ((n-num num))
    `(if (complexp ,n-num)
(def-source-transform imagpart (num)
  (once-only ((n-num num))
    `(cond ((complexp ,n-num)
	   ((floatp ,n-num)
	    (float 0 ,n-num))
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;;;; Numeric Derive-Type methods:

;;; Derive-Integer-Type  --  Internal
;;;    Utility for defining derive-type methods of integer operations.  If the
;;; types of both X and Y are integer types, then we compute a new integer type
;;; with bounds determined Fun when applied to X and Y.  Otherwise, we use
;;; Numeric-Contagion.
(defun derive-integer-type (x y fun)
  (declare (type continuation x y) (type function fun))
  (let ((x (continuation-type x))
	(y (continuation-type y)))
    (if (and (numeric-type-p x) (numeric-type-p y)
	     (eq (numeric-type-class x) 'integer)
	     (eq (numeric-type-class y) 'integer)
	     (eq (numeric-type-complexp x) :real)
	     (eq (numeric-type-complexp y) :real))
	(multiple-value-bind (low high)
			     (funcall fun x y)
	  (make-numeric-type :class 'integer  :complexp :real
			     :low low  :high high))
	(numeric-contagion x y))))

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;;; Derive-Real-Type  --  Internal
;;; Same as derive-integer-type except it can handle float types.
;;; This also contains derive-integer-type as a special case.
(defun derive-real-type (x y fun)
  (declare (type continuation x y) (type function fun))
  (let ((x (continuation-type x))
	(y (continuation-type y)))
    (derive-real-numeric-or-union-type x y fun)))

(defun derive-real-numeric-or-union-type (x y fun)
  (cond ((union-type-p x)
	 (let ((new-union '()))
	   (dolist (type (union-type-types x))
	     (setf new-union (cons (derive-real-numeric-or-union-type
				    type y fun) new-union)))
	   (make-union-type (derive-merged-union-types new-union))))
	((union-type-p y)
	 (let ((new-union '()))
	   (dolist (type (union-type-types y))
	     (setf new-union (cons (derive-real-numeric-or-union-type
				    x type fun) new-union)))
	   (make-union-type (derive-merged-union-types new-union))))
	((and (numeric-type-p x) (numeric-type-p y))
	 (derive-simple-real-type x y fun))
	 (numeric-contagion x y))))

(defun merge-types-aux (tlist)
  ;; Merge the first interval in the list with the rest of
  ;; intervals in the list.  The list of intervals MUST be
  ;; sorted in ascending order of lower limits.
  (let* ((cur (first tlist))
	 (res (list cur)))
    (multiple-value-bind (cur-lo cur-hi)
	(extract-bounds cur)
      (declare (ignore cur-lo))
      (dolist (type (rest tlist)
	(multiple-value-bind (type-lo type-hi)
	    (extract-bounds type)
	  (cond ((not (bound-< type-lo cur-hi))
		 ;; Left limit of the current interval lies
		 ;; within our interval, so merge these two
		 ;; intervals into our interval.
		 (setf (numeric-type-high cur)
		       (nilify-bound (max-bound cur-hi type-hi))))
		 ;; Otherwise, we can't merge these two intervals
		 (setf res (cons type res)))))))))

(defun merge-types (ilist &optional (result '()))
  ;; Compare the first element with the rest to merge
  ;; whatever we can into the first element.  The first
  ;; element is totally merged, so we only need to consider
  ;; whatever is left.
  (cond ((null ilist)
	((cdr ilist)
	 (let ((new-types (merge-types-aux ilist)))
	   (merge-types (rest new-types) (cons (first new-types) result))))
	 (cons (first ilist) result))))

(defun derive-merged-union-types (types)
  (labels ((interval-< (a b)
	     (multiple-value-bind (a-lo a-hi)
		 (extract-bounds a)
	       (declare (ignore a-hi))
	       (multiple-value-bind (b-lo b-hi)
		   (extract-bounds b)
		 (declare (ignore b-hi))
		 (bound-< a-lo b-lo)))))
    (merge-types (sort types #'interval-<))))

(defun derive-simple-real-type (x y fun)
  (declare (type numeric-type x y) (type function fun))
  (cond ((and (eq (numeric-type-class x) 'integer)
	      (eq (numeric-type-class y) 'integer)
	      (eq (numeric-type-complexp x) :real)
	      (eq (numeric-type-complexp y) :real))
	 (multiple-value-bind (low high)
	     (funcall fun x y)
	   (make-numeric-type :class 'integer  :complexp :real
			      :low low  :high high)))
	((and (numeric-type-p x) (numeric-type-p y)
	      (eq (numeric-type-class x) 'float)
	      (eq (numeric-type-class y) 'float)
	      (eq (numeric-type-complexp x) :real)
	      (eq (numeric-type-complexp y) :real)
	      (eq (numeric-type-format x) (numeric-type-format y)))
	 ;; We have two floats of some kind.  We will handle float
	 ;; contagion here instead of using the general
	 ;; numeric-contagion which loses the bounds on the numbers,
	 ;; if any.
	 (multiple-value-bind (low high)
	     (funcall fun x y)
	    :class 'float
	    :format (float-format-max (numeric-type-format x)
				      (numeric-type-format y))
	    :complexp :real
	    :low low  :high high)))
	 (numeric-contagion x y))))

;;;; Helper methods for dealing with inclusive and exclusive bounds.

;;; Return the value of a bound.  Ignore the issue if the bound is
;;; inclusive or exclusive.  If no bound is given, return nil (which
;;; is the bound value).

(defun bound-value (bnd)
  (if (consp bnd)
      (car bnd)

;;; Take a numeric argument and extract the bounds.  If any bound is
;;; not given (nil), return the appropriate infinity instead.

(defun extract-bounds (arg)
  (let ((lo (numeric-type-low arg))
	(hi (numeric-type-high arg)))
    ;; Replace nil values with the appropriate bound
    (values (or lo 'neg-inf)
	    (or hi 'pos-inf))))

;;; Convert a bound from extract-bounds to be either the bound or nil.

(defun nilify-bound (b)
  (if (symbolp b)

(defun set-bound (val exclusive)
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  (if (and (floatp val)
	   (float-infinity-p val))
      (if exclusive
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(defun bound-< (x y)
  (cond ((eq x 'pos-inf)
	((eq x 'neg-inf)
	 (not (eq y 'neg-inf)))
	 ;; x is some number
	 (if (symbolp y)
	     (not (bound-< y x))
	     ;; Both x and y are numbers
	     (let ((xbnd (bound-value x))
		   (ybnd (bound-value y)))
	       (or (< xbnd ybnd)
		   ;; If the bounds are equal, we need to check if the
		   ;; bounds are exclusive.  The result is true if x is
		   ;; an inclusive bound but y is not.
		   (and (= xbnd ybnd)
			(numberp x)
			(consp y))))))))

;;; Determine if a bound is less than zero

(defun bound-minusp (b)
  (bound-< b 0))

;;; Determine if a bound is greater than zero

(defun bound-plusp (b)
  (not (bound-< b 0)))

;;; Find the sign of a bound

(defun bound-sign (x)
  (cond ((eq x 'neg-inf)
	((eq x 'pos-inf)
	 (signum (bound-value x)))))

;;; Compute the product of two bounds

(defun bound-prod (x y)
  (cond ((or (symbolp x) (symbolp y))
	 ;; One of the numbers is infinity.  The result is also infinity.
	 (if (minusp (* (bound-sign x) (bound-sign y)))
	 ;; The limits are numbers.
	 (let ((res (* (bound-value x) (bound-value y))))
	   (set-bound res (or (consp x) (consp y)))))))
;;; Compute the quotient of two bounds

(defun bound-quot (x y)
  (cond ((symbolp x)
	 ;; Infinity divided by anything will be infinity
	 (bound-prod x y))
	((symbolp y)
	 ;; A number divided by infinity is always 0
	 ;; At this point we have the ratio of two numbers.  Watch out
	 ;; for division by zero!
	 (cond ((zerop (bound-value y))
		(if (bound-minusp x)
		(let ((res (/ (bound-value x) (bound-value y))))
		  (set-bound res (or (consp x) (consp y)))))))))

;;; Compute the absolute value of a bound.  

(defun bound-abs (x)
  (if (symbolp x)
      (set-bound (abs (bound-value x)) (consp x))))

;;; Given a list of float bounds, find the maximum.  If the maximum is
;;; infinity, return nil instead.
(defun max-bound (x y)
  (if (bound-< x y)

(defun min-bound (x y)
  (if (bound-< x y)
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(defun max-bound-list (lst)
  (nilify-bound (reduce #'max-bound lst)))

(defun min-bound-list (lst)
  (nilify-bound (reduce #'min-bound lst)))

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(defoptimizer (+ derive-type) ((x y))
   x y
   #'(lambda (x y)
       (flet ((frob (x y)
		(if (and x y)
		    (+ x y)
	 (values (frob (numeric-type-low x) (numeric-type-low y))
		 (frob (numeric-type-high x) (numeric-type-high y)))))))

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(defoptimizer (+ derive-type) ((x y))
   x y
   #'(lambda (x y)
       (labels ((frob (x y)
		  (if (and x y)
		      (set-bound (+ (bound-value x) (bound-value y))
				 (or (consp x) (consp y)))
	 (format t "~%+-derive:  ~s ~s~%" x y)
	 (format t "to ~s ~s~%"
		 (frob (numeric-type-low x) (numeric-type-low y))
		 (frob (numeric-type-high x) (numeric-type-high y)))
	 (values (frob (numeric-type-low x) (numeric-type-low y))
		 (frob (numeric-type-high x) (numeric-type-high y)))))))

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(defoptimizer (- derive-type) ((x y))
   x y
   #'(lambda (x y)
       (flet ((frob (x y)
		(if (and x y)
		    (- x y)
	 (values (frob (numeric-type-low x) (numeric-type-high y))
		 (frob (numeric-type-high x) (numeric-type-low y)))))))

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(defoptimizer (- derive-type) ((x y))
   x y
   #'(lambda (x y)
       (labels ((frob (x y)
		  (if (and x y)
		      (set-bound (- (bound-value x) (bound-value y))
				 (or (consp x) (consp y)))
	 (values (frob (numeric-type-low x) (numeric-type-high y))
		 (frob (numeric-type-high x) (numeric-type-low y)))))))

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(defoptimizer (* derive-type) ((x y))
   x y
   #'(lambda (x y)
       (let ((x-low (numeric-type-low x))
	     (x-high (numeric-type-high x))
	     (y-low (numeric-type-low y))
	     (y-high (numeric-type-high y)))
	 (cond ((not (and x-low y-low))
		(values nil nil))
	       ((or (minusp x-low) (minusp y-low))
		(if (and x-high y-high)
		    (let ((max (* (max (abs x-low) (abs x-high))
				  (max (abs y-low) (abs y-high)))))
		      (values (- max) max))
		    (values nil nil)))
		(values (* x-low y-low)
			(if (and x-high y-high)
			    (* x-high y-high)

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(defoptimizer (* derive-type) ((x y))
  (let ((same-arg (same-leaf-ref-p x y)))
     x y
     #'(lambda (x y)
	 (multiple-value-bind (x-low x-high)
	     (extract-bounds x)
	   (cond (same-arg
		  (let ((new-limits (list (bound-prod x-low x-low)
					  (bound-prod x-high x-high))))
		    ;; There are two cases to handle: 0 is in
		    ;; the range and 0 is not.
		    (cond ((and (bound-minusp x-low)
				(bound-plusp x-high))
			   ;; The low limit is 0 and the high
			   ;; is the max of the square of the
			   ;; bounds.  
			   (values 0
				   (max-bound-list new-limits)))
			   ;; Since zero is not within the
			   ;; range, the answer is obvious
			   (values (min-bound-list new-limits)
				   (max-bound-list new-limits))))))
			   (multiple-value-bind (y-low y-high)
			       (extract-bounds y)
			     (let ((new-limits (list (bound-prod x-low y-low)
						     (bound-prod x-low y-high)
						     (bound-prod x-high y-low)
						     (bound-prod x-high y-high))))
			       (values (min-bound-list new-limits)
				       (max-bound-list new-limits)))))))))))

(defoptimizer (/ derive-type) ((x y))
  (numeric-contagion (continuation-type x) (continuation-type y)))

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(defoptimizer (/ derive-type) ((top bot))
  ;; We only handle the case where both of the arguments are
  ;; floats. Otherwise, the general numeric contagion holds.

  (let ((x-num (continuation-type top))
	(y-num (continuation-type bot)))
    (if (not (and (numeric-type-p x-num) (numeric-type-p y-num)
		  (eq (numeric-type-complexp x-num) :real)
		  (eq (numeric-type-complexp y-num) :real)
		  (eq (numeric-type-class x-num) 'float)
		  (eq (numeric-type-class y-num) 'float)))
	(numeric-contagion x-num y-num)
	 top bot
	 #'(lambda (x y)
	     (multiple-value-bind (y-low y-high)
		 (extract-bounds y)
	       (cond ((and (bound-minusp y-low)
			   (bound-plusp y-high))
		      ;; If 0 is within the bounds of y, the result is
		      ;; clear: any float is possible for the quotient.
		      (values nil nil))
		      (multiple-value-bind (x-low x-high)
			  (extract-bounds x)
			(let ((new-limits (list (bound-quot x-low y-low)
						(bound-quot x-low y-high)
						(bound-quot x-high y-low)
						(bound-quot x-high y-high))))
			  (values (min-bound-list new-limits)
				  (max-bound-list new-limits))))))))))))

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(defoptimizer (ash derive-type) ((n shift))
  (or (let ((n-type (continuation-type n)))
	(when (numeric-type-p n-type)
	  (let ((n-low (numeric-type-low n-type))
		(n-high (numeric-type-high n-type)))
	    (if (constant-continuation-p shift)
		(let ((shift (continuation-value shift)))
		  (make-numeric-type :class 'integer  :complexp :real
				     :low (when n-low
					    (ash n-low shift)
					    ;; ### fuckin' bignum bug.
					    (* n-low (ash 1 shift)))
				     :high (when n-high (ash n-high shift))))
		(let ((s-type (continuation-type shift)))
		  (when (numeric-type-p s-type)
		    (let ((s-low (numeric-type-low s-type))
			  (s-high (numeric-type-high s-type)))
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		      (if (and s-low s-high (<= s-low 32) (<= s-high 32))
			  (make-numeric-type :class 'integer  :complexp :real
					     :low (when n-low
						    (min (ash n-low s-high)
							 (ash n-low s-low)))
					     :high (when n-high
						     (max (ash n-high s-high)
							  (ash n-high s-low))))
			  (make-numeric-type :class 'integer
					     :complexp :real)))))))))
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(macrolet ((frob (fun)
	     `#'(lambda (type type2)
		  (declare (ignore type2))
		  (let ((lo (numeric-type-low type))
			(hi (numeric-type-high type)))
		    (values (if hi (,fun hi) nil) (if lo (,fun lo) nil))))))

  (defoptimizer (%negate derive-type) ((num))
    (derive-integer-type num num (frob -)))

  (defoptimizer (lognot derive-type) ((int))
    (derive-integer-type int int (frob lognot))))

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(macrolet ((frob (fun)
	     `#'(lambda (type type2)
		  (declare (ignore type2))
		  (let ((lo (numeric-type-low type))
			(hi (numeric-type-high type)))
		    (values (if hi (,fun hi) nil) (if lo (,fun lo) nil))))))

  (defoptimizer (%negate derive-type) ((num))
    (flet ((negate-bound (b)
	     (set-bound (- (bound-value b)) (consp b))))
      (derive-real-type num num (frob negate-bound))))
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  (defoptimizer (lognot derive-type) ((int))
    (derive-integer-type int int (frob lognot))))

(defoptimizer (abs derive-type) ((num))
  (let ((type (continuation-type num)))
    (if (and (numeric-type-p type)
	     (eq (numeric-type-class type) 'integer)
	     (eq (numeric-type-complexp type) :real))
	(let ((lo (numeric-type-low type))
	      (hi (numeric-type-high type)))
	  (make-numeric-type :class 'integer :complexp :real
			     :low (cond ((and hi (minusp hi))
					 (abs hi))
					 (max 0 lo))
			     :high (if (and hi lo)
				       (max (abs hi) (abs lo))
	(numeric-contagion type type))))

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(defoptimizer (abs derive-type) ((num))
  (let ((type (continuation-type num)))
    (when (numeric-type-p type)
      (cond ((eq (numeric-type-complexp type) :complex)
	     ;; The absolute value of a complex number is always a
	     ;; non-negative float.
	     (make-numeric-type :class 'float
				:format (elfun-float-format (numeric-type-format type))
				:complexp :real
				:low 0
				:high nil))
	    ((eq (numeric-type-complexp type) :real)
	     ;; The absolute value of a real number is a non-negative
	     ;; real of the same type.
	     (let ((lo (numeric-type-low type))
		   (hi (numeric-type-high type)))
	       (make-numeric-type :class (numeric-type-class type)
				  :format (numeric-type-format type)
				  :complexp :real
				  :low (cond ((and hi (minusp (bound-value hi)))
					      (bound-abs hi))
					      (set-bound (max 0 (bound-value lo))
							 (consp lo)))
				  :high (if (and hi lo)
					    (max-bound-list (list (bound-abs hi)
								  (bound-abs lo)))

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(defoptimizer (truncate derive-type) ((number divisor))
  (let ((number-type (continuation-type number))
	(divisor-type (continuation-type divisor))
	(integer-type (specifier-type 'integer)))
    (if (and (numeric-type-p number-type)
	     (csubtypep number-type integer-type)
	     (numeric-type-p divisor-type)
	     (csubtypep divisor-type integer-type))
	(let ((number-low (numeric-type-low number-type))
	      (number-high (numeric-type-high number-type))
	      (divisor-low (numeric-type-low divisor-type))
	      (divisor-high (numeric-type-high divisor-type)))
	   `(values ,(integer-truncate-derive-type number-low number-high
						   divisor-low divisor-high)
		    ,(integer-rem-derive-type number-low number-high
					      divisor-low divisor-high))))

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ram committed
(defoptimizer (truncate derive-type) ((number divisor))
  (let ((number-type (continuation-type number))
	(divisor-type (continuation-type divisor))
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	(real-type (specifier-type '(or integer real))))
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    (if (and (numeric-type-p number-type)
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	     (csubtypep number-type real-type)
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	     (numeric-type-p divisor-type)
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	     (csubtypep divisor-type real-type))
ram's avatar
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	(let ((number-low (numeric-type-low number-type))
	      (number-high (numeric-type-high number-type))
	      (divisor-low (numeric-type-low divisor-type))
	      (divisor-high (numeric-type-high divisor-type)))
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	  (setf number-low (if (consp number-low)
			       (car number-low)
	  (setf number-high (if (consp number-high)
				(car number-high)
	  (setf divisor-low (if (consp divisor-low)
				(car divisor-low)
	  (setf divisor-high (if (consp divisor-high)
				 (car divisor-high)
	  (if (and (csubtypep number-type (specifier-type 'integer))
		   (csubtypep divisor-type (specifier-type 'integer)))
	      ;; If both the number and the divisor are integers of
	      ;; some type, then both results of truncate are
	      ;; integers.  Figure out the appropriate ranges of the
	      ;; results.
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		 ,(integer-truncate-derive-type number-low number-high
						divisor-low divisor-high
		 ,(integer-rem-derive-type number-low number-high
					   divisor-low divisor-high)))
	      ;; Otherwise, the first result of truncate is an integer
	      ;; and the second result is a float of some type.
	      ;; Figure out the ranges of the results and their
	      ;; appropriate types.
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		 ,(integer-truncate-derive-type number-low number-high
						divisor-low divisor-high
		 ,(real-rem-derive-type number-low number-high
					divisor-low divisor-high
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ram committed

(defoptimizer (%unary-truncate derive-type) ((number))
  (let ((number-type (continuation-type number)))
    (if (and (numeric-type-p number-type)
	     (csubtypep number-type (specifier-type 'real)))
	(let ((number-low (numeric-type-low number-type))
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	      (number-high (numeric-type-high number-type))
	      (divisor (make-numeric-type
			:class 'integer
			:low 1
			:high 1)))
	  (setf number-low (if (consp number-low)
			       (car number-low)
	  (setf number-high (if (consp number-high)
				(car number-high)
	  (specifier-type `,(integer-truncate-derive-type
			     number-low number-high 1 1 divisor)))
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;;; NUMERIC-RANGE-INFO  --  internal.
;;; Derive useful information about the range.  Returns three values:
;;; - '+ if its positive, '- negative, or nil if it overlaps 0.
;;; - The abs of the minimal value (i.e. closest to 0) in the range.
;;; - The abs of the maximal value if there is one, or nil if it is unbounded.
(defun numeric-range-info (low high)
  (cond ((and low (not (minusp low)))
	 (values '+ low high))
	((and high (not (plusp high)))
	 (values '- (- high) (if low (- low) nil)))
	 (values nil 0 (and low high (max (- low) high))))))

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ram committed
(defun integer-truncate-derive-type
       (number-low number-high divisor-low divisor-high)
  ;; The result cannot be larger in magnitude than the number, but the sign
  ;; might change.  If we can determine the sign of either the number or
  ;; the divisor, we can eliminate some of the cases.
      (number-sign number-min number-max)
      (numeric-range-info number-low number-high)
	(divisor-sign divisor-min divisor-max)
	(numeric-range-info divisor-low divisor-high)
      (when (and divisor-max (zerop divisor-max))
	;; We've got a problem: guarenteed division by zero.
	(return-from integer-truncate-derive-type t))
      (when (zerop divisor-min)
	;; We'll assume that they arn't going to divide by zero.
	(incf divisor-min))
      (cond ((and number-sign divisor-sign)
	     ;; We know the sign of both.
	     (if (eq number-sign divisor-sign)
		 ;; Same sign, so the result will be positive.
		 `(integer ,(if divisor-max
				(truncate number-min divisor-max)
			   ,(if number-max
				(truncate number-max divisor-min)
		 ;; Different signs, the result will be negative.
		 `(integer ,(if number-max
				(- (truncate number-max divisor-min))
			   ,(if divisor-max
				(- (truncate number-min divisor-max))
	    ((eq divisor-sign '+)
	     ;; The divisor is positive.  Therefore, the number will just
	     ;; become closer to zero.
	     `(integer ,(if number-low
			    (truncate number-low divisor-min)
		       ,(if number-high
			    (truncate number-high divisor-min)
	    ((eq divisor-sign '-)
	     ;; The divisor is negative.  Therefore, the absolute value of
	     ;; the number will become closer to zero, but the sign will also
	     ;; change.
	     `(integer ,(if number-high
			    (- (truncate number-high divisor-min))
		       ,(if number-low
			    (- (truncate number-low divisor-min))
	    ;; The divisor could be either positive or negative.
	     ;; The number we are dividing has a bound.  Divide that by the
	     ;; smallest posible divisor.
	     (let ((bound (truncate number-max divisor-min)))
	       `(integer ,(- bound) ,bound)))
	     ;; The number we are dividing is unbounded, so we can't tell
	     ;; anything about the result.
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(defun integer-rem-derive-type
       (number-low number-high divisor-low divisor-high)
  (if (and divisor-low divisor-high)
      ;; We know the range of the divisor, and the remainder must be smaller
      ;; than the divisor.  We can tell the sign of the remainer if we know
      ;; the sign of the number.
      (let ((divisor-max (1- (max (abs divisor-low) (abs divisor-high)))))
	`(integer ,(if (or (null number-low)
			   (minusp number-low))
		       (- divisor-max)
		  ,(if (or (null number-high)
			   (plusp number-high))
      ;; The divisor is potentially either very positive or very negative.
      ;; Therefore, the remainer is unbounded, but we might be able to tell
      ;; something about the sign from the number.
      `(integer ,(if (and number-low (not (minusp number-low)))
		     ;; The number we are dividing is positive.  Therefore,
		     ;; the remainder must be positive.
		,(if (and number-high (not (plusp number-high)))
		     ;; The number we are dividing is negative.  Therefore,
		     ;; the remainder must be negative.

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(defun integer-truncate-derive-type
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    (number-low number-high divisor-low divisor-high divisor-type)
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  ;; The result cannot be larger in magnitude than the number, but the sign
  ;; might change.  If we can determine the sign of either the number or
  ;; the divisor, we can eliminate some of the cases.
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  (macrolet ((maybe* (form)
	       ;; return result of form or * if overflow occurs
	       `(handler-case ,form
		  (arithmetic-error () '*))))
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